The next decade took Vishal across the length and breath of India, Nepal and Bhutan, including many firsts for both him and the Tourism in general, like the overland trip with the first group of German Tourists to Leh via Manali after the route via Srinagar was closed due to Terrorism in Kashmir. Travelling to what is called the Buddhist Sector in India (all places related to Buddha from his birth to death) with a Group of Austrian Indologists, when no one but Buddhists travelled to these areas. Shooting a Documentary with a TV crew in Bandhavgarh where he fell in love with Wildlife and that is where the fascination with wildlife was born.  

Since then Vishal has travelled with well over a 100+ Luxury Clients to different National Parks in India, has been up close and personal with the Wildlife and organised well over 500 Journeys to different National Parks as a Destination Specialist to the Sub-continent.  

The reason behind Wildlife Safaris

One feedback that Vishal constantly heard during the Tours from his clients was that they were not consulted properly and had someone explained the Trip to them in detail they would have booked either more days or booked the trip differently. (This feedback is quiet common actually as has been verified by Vishal after discussing with 100s of trip leader in India, Kenya and Tanzania).

The reason for this is what Vishal likes to call, its a Blind man leading the Blind. As a Traveller you book with your Local Travel Agency who may be promoting the Wildlife packages, they may have travelled once or twice to these regions but they usually rely on the Local Destination Management companies (DMC's) for finer details.

The people in the DMC's in turn are not experts on every route and park and rely on others including Trip Leaders. End result is that what you get in terms of the final product leaves a lot to be desired.

Pre 2000 era, Travel Agencies were needed as Knowledge was power and it rested with a handful of Travel Companies. Today however knowledge is freely available, but what you need is someone who has walked the path that you want to walk, understands what Luxury is and can help you craft that perfect itinerary to make your Trip perfect in every respect and that is exactly what we do for you.

 Book a discovery call with us